Contract Management, Drafting and Review

Many law departments cannot devote sufficient resources to draft, review, and manage contracts. This can lead to poor service for business unit clients. Moreover, companies that cannot meet the demand for contract advice and edits create real risks:

Unapproved contract changes can create unwanted obligations

Proliferation in language variations may increase the chances of inadvertent breaches

Key dates for renewal or price escalation may be missed

Even law departments lucky enough to have contract management software typically need more human resources. Integreon helps companies solve this problem by providing dedicated teams of outsourced lawyers, onshore or offshore

Our lawyers draft, review, and manage high-volume, routine contracts. This can reduce cost by 50% and allow inhouse lawyers to focus on higher value work. We work with clients to define requirements, establish drafting and review standards and ensure you are comfortable with all processes and staffing. Relying on an Integreon dedicated team of onshore and offshore lawyers offers many benefits:

Smooth Workflows: Our proprietary ShareDocs workflow software makes it easy to submit and review contracts. We maintain a database of all submissions and changes plus a complete audit trail.
Lower Costs: Offshore lawyers can cost as little as 50% of what onshore lawyers cost.

Confidentiality & Continuous Operations: We operate world-class facilities with state-of-the-art security. A combination of physical and virtual measures protect your data and have earned ISO 27001 security certification. Numerous back-up systems ensure continuous operations.

Manage Rights and Obligations: We help you manage contracts by summarizing executed contracts, identifying key terms and dates, and populating or creating a database. This helps make sure you fulfill obligations and take advantage of your rights.

Better Service to Inhouse Clients and Lower Risk: With our global delivery platform, we can provide coverage around the clock and faster turnaround. So business people are more likely to submit contracts for review.

Improve Inhouse Lawyer Morale: We free up inhouse lawyers from routine, low-value work. In-house lawyers will no longer be buried under a mountain of contracts requests so their job satisfaction improves. This can reduce your turnover in critical in-house legal positions.
